Why We Need To Revisit Rumi And Gandhiji (SpeakingTree, Sept 29,2016) Standing at this juncture of sub-continental history, when two neighbouring countries, India [...]
Arun Gandhi: “Paying lip-service or Act, on Gandhi Jayanti? A message from Arun Gandhi, Grandson of ‘Mahatma’ Gandhi on the occasion of ‘Gandhi Day’ – The [...]
Gandhi and Nonviolent Conflict Resolution (Speech in Stockholm, 1996) by Jan Viklund Speech held at The Nonviolence Project 1:st Youth Conference 21 – 23 March 1996 in Stockholm, Sweden. [...]
‘Stopping War and Hate Comes from Each of Us’ – Arun Gandhi Shares Lessons from His Grandfather by Danielle Batist POSITIVE NEWS, April 17, 2015 Peace activist Arun Gandhi reflects on the enduring wisdom of his [...]
Why We Hurt Each Other: Tolstoy’s Letters to Gandhi on Love, Violence, and the Truth of the Human Spirit by Maria Popova, (Brain Pickings) “Love is the only way to rescue humanity from all ills.” In 1908, Indian revolutionary [...]